
0 Comments iPads for Peace

I have a plan for the universe and it involves iPads, mobile phones and the new Almighty…the internet! There is a lot of talk of promoting religious tolerance in these times of crisis. Lets call this my little tribute to the anniversary of 9/11.

People say Muslims need to introspect and Islam needs to reform away from fundamentalism. Why only Islam, I think every religion needs a reform that will lead it in the direction of greater tolerance. Geert Wilders is not Muslim and hell he is unbearably intolerant. The same goes for Muthalik and his band of goons, Togadia et. al. But hey, I have a solution. Some might find it ridiculous, some might find it funny, but I am serious; I really think it can work!

So here is how you do it. Gift each and every religious leader in the world an iPad (or any other tablet); force them to install instant messengers of their choice and to add each other as friends; make them open an account on Facebook; have them join an online discussion forum. Simple? Well, that is almost all I am asking for. You do this and viola, in no time, you will find this world a better place to live.

Even if they just poke each other on FB, even if they just frequently buzz each other on messenger, even if they have serious and abusive fights on the discussion forums, I think it will help. 
iPad for Peace
Want to do it even better? Make all their interactions public and throw in a few infidels (non-believers) too. Let the world see what the Rabbi had to say to the Imam when they ran into each other online. Let the world know what was the first wall post from the Shankaracharya to the Pope. And of course, let the infidels comment on their actions…just for fun! :P

Give them cell phones too, it wont cost much. Let the world pay their internet and phone bills, as long as they talk to each other, not only amongst themselves. Let them preach, as long as they don't preach only to their blind followers but also to the non-believers; let them argue as long as they are also willing to listen and to answer any question from anyone.

Make them go out for a beer (oh well, at least a Chai) and force them to hang out at TGIF every Friday evening. No, stop laughing...I am serious! :)
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