
0 Comments Devotional Music for the “faith-free”

Aum Even though I am not someone you would call “religious”, far from it, there is something terribly soothing about good devotional music that grabs my attention . It surprises me every time how much I like them despite my lack of “faith”. Here are some that I like… if you happen to like such songs as well, let me know about more and I will add them to this list.

Khwaja mere Khwaja – from the movie “Jodha Akbar”; music by A.R. Rahman

Hey Ram – this version sung by Jagjit Singh

Ek Onkar – from the movie “Rang De Basanti”

Arziyaan – from the movie “Delhi – 6”; music by A.R. Rahman

Bulla Ki Jaana – Rabbi Shergill


0 Comments The Worst Job Ever…

I love this… Enjoy…


0 Comments Google for Non-Profits…

Another Google innovation, a toolkit for Non-Profits with a simple yet catchy punch line, “You're changing the world. We want to help.


Google for Non-Profits is a bundle of Google products and services that non-profit organizations around the world can use to enhance their “business” of development. The bundle includes: Google Grants (a non-profit version of Google Ad Words); Google Checkout (to collect online donations); Google Analytics (to understand how users interact with your website); Google Maps & Earth; YouTube; and Google Apps (GMail, Docs, Sites and Calendar). Click on the image links below for tutorials for non-profits.

Here’s a small video that provides a testimonial from a small non-profit organization about the impact of deploying the Google for Non-Profits bundle of products and services.

Unfortunately, some of these services are only available in the US but hopefully, Google is working towards extending these services to every corner of the world.


0 Comments Googling into the future…

Yes, I admit… I am a Google fan! But then, who isn’t? Here’s a preview of their latest innovation – Google Voice.

GVoiceicon_02voice-logo  GVoiceicon_03

I like to keep informed about how Google is going to (pleasantly) surprise me next and this new service is no exception. I haven't tried it, yet... but the concept seems brilliant. Incidentally, Google sent me an invite to sign up the beta for Google Voice but since I am not in the U.S., I was unable to do so. 

I can’t wait to have my own Google Number… and you?


0 Comments Luck… probability taken personally!

14-year-old hit by 30,000 mph space meteorite

Gerrit Blank:

The Telegraph recently reported about Gerrit Blank, 14, who was struck by a meteorite on his way to school. A red hot, pea-sized piece of rock hit his hand before bouncing off and causing a foot wide crater in the ground. Gerrit survived the strike - the chances of which are just 1 in a million - but with a 3-inch scar on his hand.

At first I just saw a large ball of light, and then I suddenly felt a pain in my hand. Then a split second after that there was an enormous bang like a crash of thunder. The noise that came after the flash of light was so loud that my ears were ringing for hours afterwards. When it hit me it knocked me flying and then was still going fast enough to bury itself into the road.

Scientists have confirmed through chemical tests that the pea-sized rock is indeed a meteorite which crashed to Earth in Essen, Germany. According to Ansgar Kortem, director of Germany's Walter Hohmann Observatory, the meteorite is a rare collectors item since most meteorites evaporate in the atmosphere and 6 out of 7 that manage to get through land in water.

So here’s to Gerrit’s luck – a rare meteorite found his hand at 30,000 mph and he survived without any significant damage. Makes you wonder…about luck and the role it plays in our life, everyday!

Over the years, several people have tried to explain LUCK in their own way. A Rationalist might say, “Luck is probability taken personally” (quote: Chip Denman, Stats Lab, University of Maryland). Spiritual or religious leaders believe in the will of a supreme being or Divine Providence as affecting “luck” to different degrees. Western “New Age” reinterpretations of Karma cast it as luck associated with virtue. Hindu philosophy refers to Lakshmi as the original “Lady Luck”! Others like Freud have argued that a belief in luck is a way of escaping the responsibility of our actions.

Personally, I feel closest to the rationalist viewpoint but I’m not going into philosophical discussions here. But while we’re at it, here’s an excellent compilation on lucky streaks from YouTube. Enjoy…


0 Comments Climate Change: Mumbo Jumbo or The Real Thing?

If you have always wondered about Climate Change and if you should be doing something about it, this is an interesting video, rather an interesting approach… even though I do not feel like jumping to the same conclusions. Worth a watch anyway…

Image Courtesy: http://ksjtracker.mit.edu/?p=2997

It’s funny, the speaker keeps claiming to talk about “Risk Management” but all he is really saying is that the worst CC scenario is NOT a risk we can afford to take – it’s just so huge. So even though he uses a novel style to put his point across, its precisely people like these who put me off all the CC mumbo-jumbo. Don’t say the world will end if you don’t act because that does NOT help me understand the real issues any better… and will NOT make me act! Explain to me the science, I consider myself to be intelligent and educated enough to understand it myself, so I don’t have to rely solely on the NSA or AAAS to make up my mind.

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